Ever-growing support
Latest SMP supporter Dorothy Macedo
The Shelley Memorial Project has reached an exciting phase as we begin the final stage of shortlisting artists - one of whom will eventually be comissioned to create the work of art that will form the project’s goal: a long term memorial to the poet. That means we are at a crucial stage of fundraising and raising awareness of the project locally, too.
As of September 2023, we have over 130 registered supporters listed on our supporters page. We are grateful to every single person who has taken the time to pledge their support. This week, Worthing resident and long term Project supporter Dorothy Macedo added her name to our ever-increasing list.
She explains the contemporary resonance of Shelley’s writing, and why she wanted to include her name and publicly pledge her support for the cause.
'I am a supporter of the Shelley Memorial Project and its aims, as I believe that Shelley's work is as relevant today as it was when he first wrote it.'
You can see the full list of names of supporters here. Email us at shelleymemorialproject@btinternet.com to add your name to the list!