Visiting Vincent
SMP editor Ted Gooda reflects on the team’s visit to sculptor Vincent Gray’s studio in November 2024
Some of the sculptures on display at Gray’s studio
On Saturday 23rd November, a group from the Shelley Memorial Project team headed to Chichester to visit sculptor Vincent Gray at work in his studio. Gray is the artist selected by public vote in May 2024 (in which over 1700 members of the public took part) to undertake the Shelley Memorial commission.
It’s always a privilege to meet an artist in their place of work, and Vincent Gray was no exception. The studio is situated on farmland in the hamlet of Chilgrove, nestling at the foot of the Downs.
Outside the studio, visitors are greeted by lifesize sculptures of French mime artist Marcel Marceau and Shelley contemporary and fellow Romantic poet, John Keats.
Inside, we got to see and hear about Gray’s current project, the West Africa Squadron memorial, as well as spending time amongst some of the other pieces on display. We had some fun identifying the different famous faces that have been immortalised as portrait heads by Gray.
The team also learnt more about Gray’s inspiration for the Shelley design, his methods of research and the processes he uses in his art.
Gray was generous with his time and with our questions, and we are left in doubt that the Shelley Memorial sculpture is in the right hands!
Members of the project team with the sculptor. From left to right: Stephen Sandham, David Hide, Sarah Wilson, Vincent Gray, Pauline Howley, Alison Caldwell, Harry Woodlock, Carol Hayton & Ted Gooda